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How to make a phone call in Japanese? - learn Japanese greetings with Hirugao

Japanese greetings

As you may already know, we use certain language patterns in Japanese. It's the same rule, as in English, when you ask a person "How are you?", before actually talking to them. They are customary.

Firstly, let's remind ourselves such set expressions and occasions when they are used:
  • We say ただいま(戻りました) Tadaima (modorimashita) ("(I came back) just now"), when we get back home, and お帰り Okaeri /  お帰りなさい Okaerinasai ("Welcome home"), when we greet someone, who just came back. 
  • We also say  行って来ます Ittekimasu ("I'll be back", literally "I'll go out and be back" ), when we go out, and  行ってらっしゃい Itterasshai ("Go and be back"), when someone is leaving.
  • Before eating, we would say いただきます Itadakimasu ("I'm receiving gratefully"), and ご馳走様でした Go-chisou-sama (deshita) ("It has been a feast/ It was delicious"), after we ate the food someone made or bought for us.
  • We will wish somebody luck by saying 頑張ってください Ganbatte kudasai  (literally: "Do your best, please").
  • And we will leave our workplace shouting お疲れ様です Otsukare-sama desu ("You must be tired", sometimes translated as: "Thank you for your hard work").

But those expressions are only basic. We also follow patterns for whole conversations.  In formal language, the patterns are crucial if you want to be treated like a civilized person ;) You will hold a conversation differently depending on who are you talking to, what you are talking about, and finally - depending on the medium you use. 

So let's take it really slow now and talk only about the conversations held over the phone. The example comes from Hirugao (ep.1), where Rikako's husband shows how it's done!

Bowing during telephone conversation is essential. Don't forget it! ;) /Photo:

Japanese phone conversation

Note that Rikako's husband speaks formally, while Sawa-san is a bit sulky.

A: もしもし!お電話変わりました。初めまして。いつもリカコがお世話になっております。
Moshi, moshi!* O-denwa kawarimashita.* Hajimemashite.** Itsumo Rikako ga o-sewa ni natte orimasu**.
B: お世話しません、全然。。
O-sewa shitemasen, zen-zen..-_-

A: 今日妻がお誘いしたせいで何か怪我をさせてしまったそうで、申し訳ありませんでした! 
Kyou tsuma ga o-sasoi shita sei de, nanika kega wo sasete shimatta sou de, moushiwake arimasen deshita! **
B: いえ。
A: 妻は世間知らずなところがありますが、これに懲りずこれからも仲良くしてやってください。
Tsuma ha seken shirazu na tokoro ga arimasu ga, kore ni korizu, kore kara mo nakayoku shite yatte kudasai.
B: 「世間知らず」、ハハハ!
'Seken shirazu' - ha,ha,ha!
A: ハハハ!じゃ、リカコに変わります。失礼します。お大事に!
Ha,ha,ha! Ja, Rikako ni kawarimasu.* Shitsurei shimasu**. Odaijini.**

***What's with the stars?
* Used only on the phone
** Used also in face to face conversations.

A: Hello. Nice to meet you (literally: "it's the first time"). Thank you for continuously taking care of Rikako!
B: I'm not, actually, at all...
A: I heard that today, because of my wife's invitation, you have been injured somehow - I'm deeply sorry (literally: "There is no excuse for it") !
B: It's nothing.
A: My wife can sometimes lack common sense, but don't let it discourage you, and from now on please continue to be friends.
B: "Lack common sense", hahaha!
A: Hahaha! Then.. I will hand the phone over to Rikako. Forgive the my rudeness (of finishing the conversation first). Get well soon (literally: Take a good care of yourself)

That's all for today, お疲れ様です❢
Good luck calling Japanese people, and don't forget to bow!


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